Sunday 31 October 2021

Top 5 things to consider before joining a franchise

Are you looking for a brighter future? Joining a franchise is one of the best ways to free yourself from the drain of a 9-5 and take back control. Not only are you able to lean on others for experience, but you will be working with a proven business model. However, not all franchises are created equally, so it's important to do your research. Here are 5 points to reflect on.

1 - Initial costs and return on investment

Becoming a part of a franchise can very quickly advance your dreams. Much of the hard work has already been done for you in terms of building a business from the ground up. Because of this, franchise models require some form of investment to assign you a slice of the pie.

Like any investment though, it's important that the franchise owners are transparent about all the fees involved - and able to explain to you exactly what you will be receiving in return. Remember that while some franchise options may be cheaper, that doesn't necessarily reflect the quality of said opportunity.

Many franchise agreements are convoluted and hard to decipher. Initial fees and monthly management fees should be clearly explained to you, and you should be wary of any hidden costs like royalty fees.

2 - Training and Support

The people who have built this business should have years of experience to lend to you. This knowledge and expertise allow you to get off the ground quickly. Rather than spending time recovering from common business mistakes - you can bypass those failures and focus your efforts on your customers.

However, this knowledge is only useful if it's shared. Training and support from day one are absolutely essential in order for your franchise to thrive. Find out early on about the training arrangements, and what kind of support will be available to you.

3 - Do your research

Speak to other franchise owners. Reach out to other franchise owners using the internet and discuss their experiences with them. Better yet, ask your Franchisor to put you in touch. If they refuse to do so or cherry-pick specific examples, then you should see this as a red flag. Everyone is different - and a bad experience isn't always reflective of the franchisor themselves - but you should learn as much as you can prior to moving forward.

4 - Location, Location, Location

Think hard about your demographic. Big-name franchises may seem like an easy win, but consider how they will fit in your area. Brick and mortar sites often incur heavy overheads, and you may be joining an already crowded market. Sometimes more niche approaches can bear fruit.

5 - Planning For Success

You have power in numbers when it comes to being a franchisee. With a well-connected network of franchisees, you can discuss common problems, and see what's working well for other people. Setting up a franchise requires capital, and unless you run your business alongside your day job, you will also need to consider your overheads. A good franchise network should allow you to ask others for their tips on how to make it work.

Sunday 17 October 2021

Oven Wizards welcomes Lewis Fletcher

Oven Wizards are delighted to welcome Lewis Fletcher as their latest Franchisee. Lewis has taken the South Herefordshire and Welsh Borders Territory. He is starting his training this month, with a view to being up and running with his new Oven Wizards business by the end of October.

We wish him every success!

If you would like to follow Lewis and join Oven Wizards, we do still have some Territories available. Please feel free to give us a call for an informal chat on 01367 850162 / 07590 536425 or visit the Oven Wizards website at  

Sunday 26 September 2021

Oven Wizards welcomes Rob Hough

Oven Wizards are delighted to welcome Rob Hough as their latest Franchisee. Rob has taken the Cheshire East Territory. He is starting his training next month, with a view to being up and running with his new Oven Wizards business by the end of October.

We wish him every success!

If you would like to follow Rob and join Oven Wizards, we do still have some Territories available. Please feel free to give us a call for an informal chat on 01367 850162 / 07590 536425 or visit the Oven Wizards website at  


Tuesday 31 August 2021

Oven Wizards welcomes Colin MacMillan


Oven Wizards are delighted to welcome Colin MacMillan as their latest Franchisee. Colin has taken the Newcastle and Gateshead Territory. He is starting his training next month, with a view to being up and running with his new Oven Wizards business by the end of September.

We wish him every success!

If you would like to follow Colin and join Oven Wizards, we do still have some Territories available. Please feel free to give us a call for an informal chat on 01367 850162 / 07590 536425 or visit the Oven Wizards website at  

Sunday 8 August 2021

The Importance of Good Reviews

As social creatures, humans look to their peers for advice and confirmation. Before the internet revolution, we would speak to our friends, our family, or our neighbours for their thoughts and experience. “Do you know a good plumber? Have you watched that new TV show?”, etc.

In today’s crowded marketplace, customers are spoiled for choice. A simple online search will often bring up hundreds of thousands of results and once you add flash sales and digital advertising into the mix, it can be hard for them to know where to begin. Who should they trust?

Understanding social proof

While peer-to-peer discussion is still an important part of our purchasing process, a great deal of our hunt for satisfaction is conducted without any verbalisation at all. We simply ask the internet. According to new research – 90% of customers read online reviews before visiting a business, and 88% trust online reviews as much as recommendations from their family and friends.

Reviews are right at our fingertips whether on TripAdvisor for restaurants and hotels, Rotten Tomatoes for movies, or Amazon Product reviews for gadgets and games. Vendors encourage us to leave our feedback and let the world know whether we endorse our purchase, or not. And that feedback now plays a vital role in how successful a product or business becomes.

Control the conversation

While this might all sound daunting, it is far better to be in the conversation than outside of it. Customers are hunting for the validation they need to make their purchase, and a lack of reviews can be a huge barrier to this process. A service or product with 0 reviews is always going to lose out to one with plenty of feedback. Customers want to see what other people think and what their experience has been.

Equally, customers want to be able to develop a relationship with the businesses that they love. Being able to add their endorsement helps to build brand loyalty and to give customers a voice. Particularly for new businesses, customers are often more than happy to take part and feel like they are supporting you in your path to success.

One of the deepest worries that businesses have about opening themselves up to online reviews is the potential for negative feedback. What if a customer is deeply unhappy, or worse has an axe to grind? Well, the truth is that if a customer has been disappointed then chances are they will be venting their feedback somewhere already. Once again, the question comes down to whether you want to be a part of that conversation or not. Opening up a channel of communication allows you to monitor and respond to feedback in a fair way, rather than not being a party to the conversation at all.

Adapting for the future

Finally, it’s important to understand that online reviews are here to stay. Therefore, the longer you hold off on incorporating them, the harder you will have to work to catch up with the competition. But online reviews should not be seen as a necessary evil. Whether through increasing your standing in search engine results, increasing brand loyalty, establishing relationships, generating new business or marketing material, they can be an excellent feather in your cap.

Sunday 4 July 2021

Oven Wizards welcomes Jim Waring

Oven Wizards are delighted to welcome Jim Waring as their latest Franchisee. Jim has taken the Dublin West Territory. He is starting his training this month, with a view to being up and running with his new Oven Wizards business by the beginning of August.

We wish him every success!

If you would like to follow Jim and join Oven Wizards, we do still have some Territories available. Please feel free to give us a call for an informal chat on 01367 850162 / 07590 536425 or visit the Oven Wizards website at  


Sunday 13 June 2021

Oven Wizards welcomes Iain Donaldson.

Oven Wizards are delighted to welcome Iain Donaldson as their latest Franchisee. Iain has taken the Glasgow South Territory. He has started his training this week, with a view to being up and running with his new Oven Wizards business by the start of next Month.

We wish him every success!

If you would like to follow Iain and join Oven Wizards, we do still have some Territories available. Please feel free to give us a call for an informal chat on 01367 850162 / 07590 536425 or visit the Oven Wizards website at  

Sunday 9 May 2021

Advantages of being a Franchisee

There are many reasons why becoming part of a franchise is an attractive opportunity. In the UK, franchises are becoming increasingly popular and it is clear to see why. Franchising allows you to become part of a company that can support one another, whilst still being self-employed. Here, we explain some of the advantages of being a franchisee. 

Join a business with a proven track record 

Starting your own business is always daunting. However, when you are a franchisee you have the comfort of knowing you are part of a business with a proven track record. As long as you undertake sufficient research at the beginning to truly understand the business, you are able to make an informed decision about whether you fit in with the company and can be part of their existing success.  

When you are starting from scratch, you need to ensure that you are building a brand, which doesn’t happen overnight and can be extremely tough to do well. Having a franchise removes this pressure as the brand is already established, allowing you to leverage the existing brand's reputation to give your business a boost straight away. 

Training is provided 

One of the major benefits of becoming a franchisee is that most franchises offer franchisee training. Not only will this make you more comfortable with starting your own business, but the training can also help you maximise your potential and improve your future earnings. The training will often not be a one-off affair either. Franchises often provide ongoing support with all aspects of your business such as customer service, marketing, and much more. This is an invaluable resource to have access to. They will have extensive experience in the business and have regular contact with all other franchisees. This means they know if franchisees are having similar problems and therefore will be able to help provide advice on how to make the most of your business and investment. At the end of the day, if you are making money, they are as well so this vested interest means you can rely on them to help you when needed.  

More independence than being an employee  

Becoming a franchisee provides you with more independence and flexibility that you probably would not be able to achieve if you were a normal employee. Whilst you are still working for a larger brand, you are in control of your own franchisee and self-employed which brings with it the benefits of being able to essentially work the hours you want to. This is a great opportunity for many people who potentially want to reduce the number of hours they work or have the option to choose which hours they work so that they can work around their family life and have the flexibility a normal 9-5 office job doesn’t allow. 

Risk Avoidance 

As we have previously mentioned, starting any business on your own has an element of risk attached to it. However, by going down the franchise route, you are reducing this risk significantly. The franchise model, if you are choosing one which is already established will have a proven business model that is clearly working. Knowing there is a plan in place which has proven success means that you are in a much better position with a clearer direction than you may have been if you launched your own business independently. Your franchisor will already know what does and doesn’t work and will be on hand to share top tips on how to succeed and best practices. 

Given a specific territory  

Another benefit of becoming a franchisee is that you are given an exclusive area and territory for your business to operate. Franchisors do an immense amount of research to discover key areas of potential meaning you don’t have to. When you purchase your franchise, you will already have access to information that shows your territory should be a great area to do business. This is not only a great time-saver, but it can also provide you with considerable peace of mind. Although there may be other companies in the area that do a similar job, you know that there will be no other franchise from the same company working in your area. 

Economies of Scale  

You may be able to benefit from economies of scale by being part of a larger operator. Franchises can often get significant discounts on products if they are bulk purchasing, these savings can be passed down to the individual franchisees. These bulk buying savings may simply not be feasible for a start-up. Not only can your business save money, but it can also help boost your profit margins for your products and services. 

Greater access to finance options  

Although this may not always be the case, banks are usually more willing to provide loans for franchisees rather than individual start-ups. Having the documentation and information about the success of other franchises, you can prove to the bank that your business proposal is promising as you are part of an already established and well-performing company. Larger brand names with national or even international recognition will help you and your business be viewed as reliable and trustworthy. This is vital when trying to raise funds for your business. 

Access to marketing material  

As a franchisee, you will have access to a wealth of existing marketing material that you will be able to adapt and use for your own business from logos to social media, website content, and more. This means you will save time as you will not have to be creating this content yourself which can take a significant about of time and money. Many franchises have established methods of marketing already in place which are used to promote the brand as a whole. This means you and your business will be able to reap the rewards of this along with all the other franchisees.  

As this article shows, there are plenty of advantages of being a franchisee. Not only can it makes sense from a financial point of view, investing in a franchise can allow you to still live out your dream of being self-employed. The key is finding the right franchise opportunity for you. It needs to fit your personality, your skills as well as your lifestyle, and what your aspirations are. With so many franchise opportunities available, many of which only require a low initial investment, you will have will plenty of options to ensure you end up with the flexible working you desire and start a business you enjoy running. Starting your own business is always hard work and whilst being a franchisee doesn’t immediately make your job easier, it can help you.

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Oven Wizards offers great value for money!

The Oven Wizards Franchise package has cost just £12500 +VAT since 2013.The package includes everything that you will need to get your new Oven Wizards business up and running. At this level it is well below the price of our main competitors.

Oven Wizards now have over 60 Territories with successful Franchisees trading under the Oven Wizards brand name, and we still have some Territories left to sell in parts of the UK.

Recent feedback tells us that the present fee represents exceptional value for money which includes a great business launch package and the focussed support from the business owners. We have therefore decided to increase the fee to £15000 +VAT, effective from 1 June 2021. This still represents great value for money compared to our main competitors, particularly as we have successfully developed the activities around the initial business launch for each Franchisee. New Franchisees have consistently benefited from over a month’s work from their initial launch activities and promotional support, which is included in the Franchise fee.

Feedback from existing Franchisees confirms what great support they get, not only whilst setting up their new businesses but on an ongoing basis.

Warwick Bean, who operates his Oven Wizards Territory on the Isle of Wight said, “I’m tickled pink and I was earning money from day one!”

He went on to say “Everyone I talked to said that cleaning ovens was the job they disliked the most, so I set about looking into oven cleaning Franchises. I knew from my first meeting with Mark and John of Oven Wizards that I had found people that I could work with. I was concerned about whether oven cleaning on the Isle of Wight would be able to provide regular income. They convinced me that with a proven track record of success around the country that if I used the Oven Wizards template, I would be earning money from my first day."

Of his experiences so far, he said “They were right! -  After we launched at a supermarket in Ryde where we made my first months’ appointments, I have not looked back. On average I am doing 15 to 20 appointments per week. I enjoy the challenge of running my own business, meeting new people every day, being able to control my working day and the satisfaction from what I do. The great thing is I know that support from Oven Wizards is there if and when I need it.”

Warwick concluded “If you want a proven Franchise, enjoy hard work, meeting people and controlling your own business and lifestyle I would certainly recommend Oven Wizards.”

Sarah Meredith, who owns and operates Oven Wizards, Peterborough said “As part of the Franchise package you get training on both the business development and technical side of the Oven Wizards business."

Sarah went on to say “We have an Oven Wizards WhatsApp group which is really good to keep in touch with everyone and if you do have any issues we normally post on there and another Wizard comes straight back with the best tip or advice to sort it out. John and Mark keep in touch regularly too, making sure that your online presence is good, so you’re never really on your own in the business. “

In line with our Oven Wizards vision and values, we have decided that, for anyone who makes contact with us before 1 June 2021 we will honour the existing franchise fee,
provided they sign up with us by 30th June 2021. 
Why not go on to our website at,  to download our prospectus or contact us directly for an informal chat on 01367 850162 or 07590 536425.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Sunday 4 April 2021

Oven Wizards welcomes Sheraz Hussain.

Oven Wizards are delighted to welcome Sheraz Hussain as their latest Franchisee. Sheraz has taken the Derby Territory. He has started his training this Month, with a view to being up and running with his new Oven Wizards business by the middle of April.

We wish him every success!

If you would like to follow Sheraz and join Oven Wizards, we do still have some Territories available. Please feel free to give us a call for an informal chat on 01367 850162 / 07590 536425 or visit the Oven Wizards website at 

Sunday 14 March 2021

Oven Wizards welcomes Caroline and Sean Whelan.

Oven Wizards are delighted to welcome Caroline and Sean Whelan as their latest Franchisees. Caroline and Sean have taken the South East Hampshire Territory. They will be starting their training next week, with a view to being up and running with their new Oven Wizards business in March.

We wish them every success!

If you would like to follow Caroline and Sean and join Oven Wizards please feel free to give us a call for an informal chat on 01367 850162 / 07590 536425 or visit the Oven Wizards website at

Tuesday 2 March 2021

The Benefits of being self- employed

Being self-employed can involve an unbelievable amount of dedication and hard work. However, being your own boss can also bring a lot of rewards and job satisfaction. Within the last couple of decades, the number of self-employed people in the UK has steadily increased and there are many reasons why people are moving towards working for themselves and not a usual 9-5 job. According to the Office of National Statistics, there were a total of 5 million people who were self-employed by the end of 2019 which equates to about 15% of the total workforce. This is a massive jump from 2000 when 3.2 million people worked for themselves. Here we discuss the benefits of being self-employed. 

What are the benefits of being self-employed? 

A better work / life balance 

One of the main benefits to many people for self-employment is the possibility to create a better work/life balance. Not being confined and restricted to a 9-5, you can start working the hours you want, although it is not always as easy as this in practice. To begin with, there will be an intense amount of hours of work needed to get you started. However, once you have settled in and become established you will be able to know when your busiest times are and work around them. 

Although you will inevitably still work 9-5 during weekdays if this is when your clients or customers need you, you have the control to decide how much business you take on and which hours you personally do. This level of control is what is most attractive to many people. Personal life and obligations can often get in the way of your working hours. Knowing you can also change the hours you work to suit your home life can help create a much better work/life balance. It allows you precious time to spend with your family. 

Flexibility on hours and working environment  

When you work for yourself you can determine when you work and where. A big appeal of being self-employed is the opportunity to work from home or by visiting clients. Not only can this flexible approach help save you money on certain things such as travel expenses on commuting, you have no need to leave your house during rush hour any more. This can make you a lot more productive and save time. Working in a space you have chosen also means you can tailor it to your exact requirements.

Tax deductions 

People who are self-employed still have to pay tax at the same rate as if they were a regular employee, however, it is only their profit that is taxed as opposed to their overall income. Through claiming for work-related tax deductions, you can lower the final amount you are taxed on. There is obviously strict legislation around this that you must adhere to. You can only claim on items used for business purposes. As long as you keep all the necessary paperwork to prove the claims are business-related, there are many things you can claim for.

Items you can claim include: 

Meals that were business-related (for example client meetings) 


Transportation (e.g company car)

Internet and phone 

Higher Earning Potential 

Becoming self-employed is not a guarantee of more money, but it allows earning potential to increase as everything is in your hands. You decide how much you want to work, what prices you charge for your goods and services etc. From a financial point of view, when you are in charge of when you work, the sky’s the limit for potential income. 

Job Satisfaction  

Reaping the rewards from your own hard work can significantly increase your job satisfaction. With the autonomy to run your business how you want to, many people never regret going self-employed. They are making money doing what they love. Many like the variety that working for yourself involves. You’ll have the opportunity to work on a range of projects and develop many new skills which may not have been possible in another job. 

Potential disadvantages 

As with most things, there are always two sides to every story. Lack of employee benefits such as sick or holiday pay, irregular hours, unpredictable finances and a huge amount of responsibility are all potential downsides to being self-employed. However, for many people, the prospects and benefits that come hand in hand with self-employment often significantly outweigh any drawbacks. 

Self-employment can bring a host of benefits and a level of independence and freedom that many people crave, but it is important that people choose the self-employment route because they are dedicated and willing to work hard and are determined to succeed.  

What’s Next? 

Oven Wizards franchise offers the opportunity for dedicated and hard working individuals to become self-employed and be their own boss whilst being able to work as part of a respectable and successful business model. This is the perfect situation for those wanting to be self-employed whilst still having access to support, the use of a known brand and marketing advice.  

For more information about becoming self employed and an Oven Wizard, call Mark on 01367 850162 or John on 07590 536425.

Sunday 7 February 2021

Oven Wizards welcomes Martin and Paula Simpson.

Oven Wizards are delighted to welcome Martin and Paula Simpson as their latest Franchisees. Martin and Paula have taken the South East Devon Territory. They will be starting their training next week,with a view to being up and running with their new Oven Wizards business in March.

We wish them every success!

If you would like to follow Martin and Paula and join Oven Wizards please feel free to give us a call for an informal chat on 01367 850162 / 07590 536425 or visit the Oven Wizards website at

Sunday 31 January 2021

Oven Wizards welcomes Bob Hutchinson.

Oven Wizards are delighted to welcome Bob Hutchinson as their latest Franchisee. Bob has taken the Northampton Territory. He will be starting his training next Month, with a view to being up and running with his new Oven Wizards business in February.

We wish him every success!


If you would like to follow Bob and join Oven Wizards please feel free to give us a call for an informal chat on 01367 850162 / 07590 536425 or visit the Oven Wizards website at