Sunday 12 November 2017

What’s been cooking at Oven Wizards Annual Conference?

The Wizards got together last month for their Annual Conference in Stratford-upon-Avon, with the theme for the day being “Anything Could Happen”.

The Conferences have become bigger and better over the years with lots of sharing of ideas to find better ways of working, during the business meeting in the afternoon and later at the social event in the evening.

Clive Perrett who runs the Bristol North Territory said,” Just a quick thank-you for another entertaining as well as educational weekend. As James said, the conferences get better and better! I found it extremely helpful and will be using loads of ideas gained to help me run my business much more efficiently”

Subjects covered on the day included sole and multi van operations, improved insurance arrangements, operational stuff and client management.

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Rob Radford from Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Borders said “Thank- you for a great meeting during the day and some lovely hospitality to follow. I took lots away in terms of learnings from the meeting and to be honest learned lots just chatting to so many different people. Everyone has their own little take on how to work, where to get business and some good general pointers! It was a great chance to get to know some of the other Wizards and to put names to faces, as well as the guest speakers too.”

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Mark Abbott, Managing Director said “It was great to see all our Wizards getting together again, it’s really good to hear how well they are all doing in their chosen Territories”

He went on to say, “We had Wizards coming together from all over the UK. Whilst we are now getting good National coverage, we still have Territories available for the right sort of people”.

Ian Keddie who runs a multi van Oven Wizards operation across two Territories in Colchester and Dartford said, “I just wanted to say thank for the conference on Saturday and the evening meal and entertainment, Louise had a great evening.”

To find out more call John on 07590 536425 or Mark on 01367 850162 and they will be happy to discuss this outstanding business opportunity and answer any questions that you may have, or visit our website at