Sunday 4 October 2015

Oven Wizards have had two great days at the NEC, meeting some great potential Oven Wizards Franchisees

John and Mark, Directors and business owners of Oven Wizards, have spent the last couple of days at the National Franchise Show at the NEC in Birmingham meeting some great people who are looking to become the next Oven Wizards Franchisees.

Over the two days at the show they have met people from all sorts of backgrounds from all over the country.Some came along to specifically take forward their initial interest in Oven Wizards by coming  to meet the business owners, and some people were looking for ideas and felt that investing in an Oven Wizards Franchise “ticked a lot of boxes” for them..

Whilst Oven Wizards are getting great National coverage across the British Isles, there are still plenty of opportunities Nationwide for people to launch and grow their own oven cleaning businesses, under the Oven Wizards brand name.

To find out more call John on 07590 536425 or  Mark on 01367 850162 and they will be happy to discuss this outstanding business opportunity and answer any questions that you may have,or visit our website at

mark at the NEC           John at the Nec