Sunday 25 October 2015

Wizards cook up more success at their Annual Conference in Birmingham

Oven Wizards got together this month for their Annual Conference. As in previous years there was lots of sharing of best practice by the delegates during the business meeting in the afternoon and later at the social event in the evening.

Mark Abbott, Managing Director said “ It was great to see all our Wizards getting together again, It’s really good to hear how well they are all doing in their chosen Territories”

He went on to say, “We had Wizards attending from Aberdeen in the North to Southampton in the South and all places in between. Whilst we are now getting good National coverage, we still have Territories available for the right sort of people”

Patrick Feerick, Oven Wizards, Bedfordshire said “I just wanted to thank you both for the conference over the weekend .I found the conference very useful as in previous years. It was good to see all the other Wizards and have the opportunity to interact with them as well as benefiting from all the useful advice”

Phil and Jill Bateman, Oven Wizards, West Sussex said “ I thank you both for a very informative conference/evening meal, which both Jill and I enjoyed. It was really good to meet the other Wizards and have a chance to share lots of stories and experiences.

To find out more call John on 07590 536425 or  Mark on 01367 850162 and they will be happy to discuss this outstanding business opportunity and answer any questions that you may have,or visit our website at

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